1. WWF Future Visions. A lesson and potentially an action at the same time: use the Future Visions short film as a stimulus for students to write their vision of the future using any literary form (includes poems by Benjamin Zephania and Kae Tempest inspired by the film) – https://www.wwf.org.uk/get-involved/schools/future-visions
2. Poetry workshop using the climate crisis as the subject – http://poetryclass.poetrysociety.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Vanishing-Acts-Poetry-and-Climate-Change-Helen-Mort-2.pdf
3. Poems & Fiction
Selection of 20 poems on the theme of Climate Change curated for the Guardian by Carol Ann Duffy and read by celebrities https://www.theguardian.com/environment/series/keep-it-in-the-ground-a-poem-a-day
by Kae Tempest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7fO1dZbyZcShort stories: I’m with the bears: short stories from a damaged planet. Selection of short stories from line up of writers including Margaret Atwood.
1. Lesson from Thoughtbox which explores ‘Deep time’ and the history of the earth – This is part of the Thoughtbox Climate Curriculum and is the first of a cross-curricular series of lessons for Y7 / 8. It can be previewed here
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/szd3onk3bwqktma/AAC5eXS1MhxErfdjypnnbCkha/Lesson%20Plans?dl=0&preview=Changing+Climates+Y7%268++Lesson+1.pptx&subfolder_nav_tracking=1 The full series of lessons is available free on registering at https://www.thoughtboxeducation.com/climatecurriculum
2. Powerpoint lesson and resources about the history of climate change – https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/the-history-of-climate-change-11922578
(Interesting that this lesson does not mention the Anthropocene Epoch.)
3. Geo -history manual https://www.getupandgoals.eu/resources/textbook
1. Lesson around fair trade and farming practices affected by the climate crisis all over the world – https://schools.fairtrade.org.uk/resource/fairtrade-and-the-climate-crisis/
2. What is climate change from a geographical perspective RGS resource – https://www.rgs.org/schools/teaching-resources/climate-4-classrooms/what-is-climate-change/
3. Climate Breakdown scheme of work addressing the question – do we have 12 years to stop irreversible climate change? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RIdW5qi_Rddp9T77V6yd8kjWIL65-WIoVTEnK4UsPiI/edit
1. Resources providing lots of examples how art can be used to explore themes around the climate crisis (list at bottom of page) and looks at the role of art in climate activism – https://teachers-climate-guide.fi/visual-arts/
2. Environmental sculpture topic including sculpture ideas handouts; sculpture to improve environment; looking at our environment handout and Sketch books Photographic examples – https://sharemylesson.com/teaching-resource/environmental-sculpture-143210
DT Food
1. Resources about food systems and the climate crisis, lesson ideas and materials – https://www.wwf.org.uk/get-involved/schools/resources/food-resources
2. Food: Packaging and Recycling Lesson and resources exploring the impact of current food packaging practices on the environment – https://ypte.org.uk/lesson-plans/food-packaging-and-recycling
1. Range of activities in the ‘Adolescent Toolkit’ that deal with climate crisis issues and emotions through expressive tools of drama, art and music – https://adolescentkit.org/kit_docs/
Music 1. Resources showing how music can be used to explore themes around the climate crisis and looks at the role of music in climate activism – https://teachers-climate-guide.fi/music/
Once you have identified a lesson to review you can start the task below.