Teach and reflect

You are ready to teach your lesson. Good luck!

A quick reminder – if you would like any further support before you teach your lesson then please email your mentor and they will be happy to help.

Once you have taught your lesson please complete a lesson reflection – you will find this in the task below.

Your mentor will provide feedback on your reflection and you will receive an email to notify you once the feedback has been submitted.

Time to teach your lesson! Once you have taught your lesson, write a reflection by answering the following questions on a document and then upload your reflection using the ‘assignment upload’ box below. If you have landed here but you haven’t taught your lesson yet – just come back to this task once you have. Good luck.

Which lesson did you teach? (Subject, age group, title, link to lesson)

How well do you think it covers subject LOs?

How well do you think it covers climate learning LOs?

What went well when you taught this lesson?

How did the students respond to the lesson?

What would you do differently next time?

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