2a: Scientific background to climate change

Watch Dr Cat Scott’s short video on the scientific background to climate change and then revisit your concept map. Is there anything you could add? (feel free to redraft your map if it’s easier)

Dr Cat Scott is a University Academic Fellow in Biosphere-Climate Interactions.  The overall aim of her research is to understand the extent to which land use change (specifically, eliminating deforestation and engaging in large-scale landscape restoration) can help mitigate climate change.  She is Director of the Leeds Ecosystem, Atmosphere and Forest (LEAF) Centre.  Cat has served as an academic consultant for the EU in developing land use strategy.  She is passionate about communicating climate science and was the academic lead on the BBC’s Terrific Scientific Trees Investigation.  She also won the Climate Change zone of “I’m a scientist get me out of here!” (2016).  Cat has been instrumental in helping Leeds DEC develop our Climate Curriculum and coordinating the support of other academics at the University of Leeds and we are hugely grateful to her!

2. Now read the ‘Scientific Background’ section from the Big Ideas on Climate Action. Is there anything you can add to your concept map?

Simplified versions of the Climate Big Ideas are available appropriate for primary pupils.

Have a look at how our example concept map is progressing so far –

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