2c: Impacts of Climate Change

  1. Watch Dr Lina Brand Correa’s videos on the impacts of climate change and then revisit your concept map. Is there anything you could add? (feel free to redraft your map if it’s easier)

Dr Lina Brand Correa is a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Leeds.  Her academic specialism is in: social aspects of energy use; human well-being and energy return on energy invested; and a green economic recovery.  She is currently working on the ‘Living Well Within Limits’ Project, using participatory workshops to analyse the relationship between energy services and human needs in six different case study countries: UK, Germany, Colombia (where she is originally from), Vietnam, Zambia and Nepa). Lina is also working on the Place-based Climate Action Network (PCAN), analysing the ways people engage with climate action and how that relates to democracy.

2. Now read the ‘Impacts of Climate Change’ section from the Big Ideas on Climate Action. Is there anything you can add to your concept map?

8 -https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/jul/10/earths-sixth-mass-extinction-event-already-underway-scientists-warn

Have a look at how our example concept map is progressing so far –

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