Before we have a go at using The BIg Ideas and learning outcomes, see if you can take a little bit of inspiration from English teacher Matt Carmichael.
Matt Carmichael is a teacher of English at Roundhay High School and was instrumental in the school declaring a Climate Emergency in 2019 and subsequent action on decarbonisation. Matt has been passionate about Climate Change for many years and writes extensively on climate issues, including on climate and spirituality, and climate in education. As a member of the Leeds Climate Commission, which advises Leeds City Council on their climate policy, he organised training days for school leaders on responses to the Friday School Strikes. Matt is a founder member of Our Future Leeds Schools, working to support Leeds schools in taking climate education and action forwards.
Have a look our Big Ideas for climate change. We have briefly covered some of the information in previous sections and now we can see this information coupled with appropriate learning outcomes. Click the picture below to download The Big ideas.
Are the learning outcomes similar to the ones you came up with?
Have you taught any of them?
Are there some that appeal to you that you haven’t thought of teaching before?
You might find it helpful to watch one of these videos of teachers explaining how they have gone about integrating climate teaching in their subject curriculum.
Suzi Bewell is a languages teacher and trainer with over 20 years’ experience of teaching French, Spanish and German, and more recently Mandarin, in the UK and overseas. Until 2015, she ran the PGCE MFL course at York University. She is an SSAT Lead Practitioner for language and also runs her own educational consultancy supporting languages teachers worldwide She co-authored the Leeds DEC MFL lessons on the SDGs, including the Climate Action MFL lessons, and has since enthusiastically introduced them in webinars to hundreds (or thousands?) of MFL teachers!
Coral Griffiths is a teacher of Maths at Cardinal Heenan Catholic High School in Leeds. Coral is passionate about education for sustainability and works hard to ensure that her students have a sense of global issues as well as a firm grasp of Mathematics! She co-authored the Leeds DEC Maths lessons on the SDGs, including the Climate Action Maths resources.
Choose one or more of the learning outcomes from the Big Ideas and develop a lesson to address this for a subject you teach, ideally one which you can actually teach soon. In our experience, a lesson may not wholly deliver a learning outcome, but may contribute by partially exploring one.
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